EVET Mark Their First Step in Cambodia EV Charging Solution

publish:2023-04-28 11:24:42   views :539
publish:2023-04-28 11:24:42  


PT Electric Viva Cepat Maju (EVCM) has marked their first movement to enter Indonesian EV Charger competition by presenting their products on logistic Mining & EV 2022 Expo in Jakarta International Expo (5/10 – 7/10 2022). Cornerstone Technologies officials also sighted at the booth to support EVCM on their first movement. The enthusiasm of the visitors that came to the booth shows that the product has promising future with its own uniqueness and advantages.



PT Electric Viva Cepat Maju (EVET) menandai langkah pertama mereka untuk memasuki kompetisi EV Charger Cambodia dengan menghadirkan produknya di Logistics Mining & EV 2022 Expo di Jakarta International Expo (5/10 – 7/10 2022). Pejabat Cornerstone Technologies juga terlihat di stan untuk mendukung EVET pada gerakan pertama mereka. Antusiasme pengunjung yang datang ke booth menunjukkan bahwa produk ini memiliki masa depan yang menjanjikan dengan keunikan dan keunggulan tersendiri.

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